I’ve been playing with bread recipes again. One of my favorite raw breads is the Mediterranean Almond Bread recipe I found on the Gone Raw website. I love the savory, herby flavor of this bread. This is a riff on that recipe, my raw mediterranean almond loaf bread.

Since I discovered the wonderful spongy texture that psyllium gives raw bread recipes, I have been wanting to modify that almond bread recipe to a loaf. I think you will agree this is a success!

For those who have nut allergies, the almond flour can be replaced with coconut flour or even chickpea flour (since it is a savory bread). You will have to play with the proportions of liquid to dry ingredients because all non-grain flours have different characteristics. In particular, almond have fat that help to keep the bread moist, other flours may need additional fat to create the right texture.

Raw Mediterranean Almond Loaf

medalmondbread1 1
  • Prep Time20 min
  • Cook Time12 hr
  • Total Time12 hr 20 min
  • Suitable for Diet


  • 1 zucchini, peeled and roughly chopped
  • 1 apples, cored and roughly chopped
  • 2 T fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4 c extra virgin olive oil, use less if sun-dried tomatoes are in olive oil
  • 1/3 c sun-dried tomatoes
  • 1/2 t Celtic sea salt
  • 1T herbs de provence
  • 2 t dried marjoram
  • 1 c almond flour
  • 1/2 c flax seed, ground
  • 3/4 c psyllium husk



Process the olive oil, sun dried tomatoes, zucchini, apple, lemon juice, salt and dried herbs until thoroughly mixed.


Add the almond meal and process again until a batter is formed.


In a bowl mix the batter with the flax meal by hand. Add psyllium 1/4 c at a time just until the bread holds together when pressed.


When mixed, process the whole batter in the machine again in small batches to achieve a light fluffy texture.


Press dough together until it forms a small loaf. Rub surface with olive oil to prevent cracking.


Dehydrate for 1 hour at 145F to form a crust.


Dehydrate for 10 hours or more at 115F or until bread feels light in your hand.


If you are not going to eat the bread within 3 days, slice, freeze and dehydrate for 15-20 mins at 145F when ready to serve.

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