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The interesting thing about making lifestyle changes is that one small change creates momentum and can snowball into a much bigger shift in choices and perspectives.

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I recently realized that I actually I’ve been on this journey back to raw foods for quite a while now. About 3 years ago I noticed that I was starting to have strange subclinical symptoms that my doctor could not really treat. In particular I started having skin rashes, dry skin and hair and things like that that made it necessary for me to change many of the products I had been using.

What I ended up doing was actually changing all of my cleaning supplies to purely natural products: the old fashion recipes that your grandmother used to use like vinegar and lemon juice and salt and baking soda. I even make my own laundry detergent. Over the last year I have also changed my beauty supplies. In fact, I’ve actually gotten rid of all those things I used to spend a lot of money on, the shampoos, conditioners, soaps, deodorants, face cleansers, moisturizers, etc.

As I read about others who have started this raw food lifestyle I noticed that a lot of them also have done the same thing. Maybe not in the order that I did it but they actually change many aspects of their lives. It’s kind of a whole way of being and you start to notice that you need different things for your own well-being than you used to. The other big bonus is that it’s been money-saving.

I will share my cleaning and beauty tips with you as well on this blog. For me it’s not just the food, it’s about all of the lifestyle changes that have impacted my day-to-day life and the way I see the world. It’s been a gradual transition I’m actually realizing but one that has supported my health and vitality in ways that I think are important.

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